Updated: Now Stable! RC Firmware Update v0.4.1 for Ugoos AM6 & Cube X2/X3 models

Firmware Update v0.4.1 for Ugoos AM6 & Cube X2/X3 models is now a stable release!



0.4.1 firmware is a release candidate!  Soon it will be available via OTA when will turn into a stable version.

Changelog 26.05.2021 v.0.4.1

1. Magisk has been updated
2. Improved video codec fixes (playback settings)
3. Added USB_SOUND button for fast switching usb sound setting
4. Enabled by default false double taps fix (input devices settings)
5. Hardware monitor: renamed HDR mode to HDMI color mode. Now showing HDR mode and color mode
6. Fixed bug with "Upgrading" message after reboot
7. Other system stability improvements









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Comment(S) (10)

  • Comment by Dennis | 30.05.2021

    Kodi 19.1 doesn't play a movie when the Kodis build in app AFR is activated. It only shows a spinning circle and the don't start. Please fix this

  • Comment by Wesje | 07.06.2021

    Video-reboot problem NOT solved on my X3plus! This is starting to piss me off, Ugoos!

  • Comment by Adrian ELMAN | 16.06.2021

    Incessant video freezing on AM6 Plus using Kodi 19.1 and VLC. Happened in previous version also but not nearly as bad. Only way to watch videos now is by using CoreElec v9.2.7.

  • Comment by Handy | 22.06.2021

    Hi, I've ugoos am6b plus and I disable auto power on, the device is very difficult to turned on. I use remote, the power button but not working. Need many time attemps to plug and unplug the power cable to power on. Pls check for this issue. Thanks

  • Comment by DaivietPDA | 24.06.2021

    Am6B Plus v.0.4.1 dce coreELEC not run , please fix

  • Comment by mark jackson | 05.07.2021

    ive just bought a new AM6B PLUS and it come woth 0.4.1. So i have now installed the 0.4.1 dual boot software and the unit does will not boot into coreelec using the android power button. I have tried to use the recovery button to trigger it but it just opens android recovery. I can run coreelec off a USB stick, however if i do this i can only see the bluetooth audio codec in the kodi audio setting, and so cant output anything to my AVR. its looking like im sending this back unless i get some fixes pronto.

  • Comment by Zeeya | 26.07.2021

    AM6B PLUS 0.4.1 dual boot firmware installed CoreELEC is not booting at all stays in blank screen after the "Amlogic S922X" logo. Even the CoreELEC from SD card is not working. Please provide a proper DTB file for CoreELEC to work.

  • Comment by zeeya | 02.08.2021

    From the change log above: "Added USB_SOUND button for fast switching usb sound setting" Where can I find this option? What is the use of this?

  • Comment by Alejandro | 29.09.2021

    Ugoos es un muy buen tv box, tengo dos de ellos, uno AM6 Plus y el último el AM6 Plus B El problema que todavía persiste es que el programa VLC se congela cuando estoy viendo un vídeo ya sea de un pendrive o un disco duro externo. Sucede que cuando lo adelanto, en ambos la imagen se congela y al seleccionar un comando del control remoto me indica que espere que finalice la app o que cierre el programa, y los dos tienen la actualización 0.4.1. El resto funciona a la perfección. Espero que en una próxima actualización puedan corregir este problema.

  • Comment by Mod | 03.10.2021


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