Ugoos UT3/UT3S/UM3 new 2.2.0 Android 4.4 firmware ready!
Hello guys! We are ready to show you new 2.2.0 firmware for our RK3288 brand line!
Change log (version 2.2.0) – 23 July 2015:
- File server (samba, Settings->File server)
- Android: add Google Calendar and Contacts sync
- Android: add native exFAT support
- Android: fix fail to mount two partitions (USB storage)
- Kernel: fix efuse module, cpu SN available now
- Audio: Bitstream: fix no sound when plug/unplug hdmi
- SystemUI: remove right to left navigation bar layout (right to left languages crash)
- Keyboard: return hardware keyboard setting, add save hardware keyboard toggle, unbind hardware keyboard toggle and settings
- Keyboard: hide wifi vertual keyboard in hardwre keyboards
- Android: Settings->Ugoos Settings: add own wifi MAC address toggle (to have different Wifi and Ethernet MAC)
- Settings: remove full erase checkbox at dualboot
Let we show you some screenshots of our new ROMs features:
New 2.2.0 firmwares folder link (use AndroidTool for reflash, tool and instruction inside):
Please use Google Chrome browser for work with "" file hosting
- UM3/UT3/UT3S firmwares folder - Download link
- Choose needed OTA update from firmwares folder and download it
- For incremental updates you should be sure in your current firmware version number
- Rename archieve to ""
- Copy OTA firmware archieve to root of USB flash or SD card
- Insert your USB/SD in device
- Device should automatically recognize archieve and offer you to update
- Enjoy
- By default data partition is 4gb. If you need choose another parameter file (second field in AndroidTool) from root folder
- If you need update your device without full reflash, uncheck "parameter" and "misc". Partitions size will not de updated
- Feature "Preffered install location" in ugoos settings by default in "Let system decide" and system installing some apps on SDcard
- Fan: if your UT3 have internal fan it will be controlled automatically by temperature: now set 70C to fan on, 65 to fan off. In ugoos settings you may change fan mode
- Root: by default Android not rooted. If you need it, install Root in ugoos settings: just su binary or binary with SuperSU app
We really appreciate your help with suggestions and feeback guys! Please feel free write it to us. Together we can make best firmwares and support in our market!
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Comment by jerry | Thursday, Jul 23 2015, 11:18PM
what are the instructions to do this from a UT3 and not a computer to download and rename?
Comment by sam | Friday, Jul 24 2015, 10:41AM
Download increment on device and use file explorer to rename it (long press on file)
Comment by Manuel | Friday, Jul 24 2015, 02:59PM
..solo wave wanted to say that I am very sastifecho with my ugos ut3s and especially about the company that always gets updates via OTA ... I hope so and continue growing as a company sigais and keep on solving and improving our problemad
Comment by stevezeven | Friday, Jul 24 2015, 05:31PM
Updated to 2.2.0 via OTA. Crashes every time on spmc. No way of going back to 2.0.8 via OTA. please help.... is it me? Or bug? grtz
Comment by sam | Friday, Jul 24 2015, 07:00PM
stevezeven. Latest SPMC? Did you tried reinstall it? Maybe it will help.
Comment by stevezeven | Friday, Jul 24 2015, 08:04PM
Yes.Latest SPMC. i have reinstalled the 2.0.8 firmware, and then again done the OTA update. Shut down is less frequent now, but still there from time to time. Will try again, maybe installing directly with AndroidTool. I'll let you know what happens.
Comment by ico747 | Saturday, Jul 25 2015, 08:12AM
On line OTA finished with ERROR. Then it did not start. I had to flash 2.2.0...
Comment by Eugene | Saturday, Jul 25 2015, 10:34AM
From which version you updating? Which device you have? Wich error shown?
Comment by Manuel | Saturday, Jul 25 2015, 05:51PM
V2.2.0 se cuelga y no inicia mi ut3s ...alguna solución? Por favor testear las cosas antes de que salga la actualización vía ota
Comment by Stefano | Sunday, Jul 26 2015, 12:24PM
Hi. Has not been resolved yet problem with youtube resolution. I can only set up to 720p. How to set the 1080 resolution?
Comment by stevezeven | Wednesday, Sep 16 2015, 05:38PM
finally discovered the problem with shut down in the v2.2.0 firmware. When the temp reaches 80 degrees celcius my ut3 shuts down. Somebody any suggestion on how to solve this? My device has a fan, but will from time to time just reach the 80 degrees.
Comment by lovator | Friday, Feb 19 2016, 08:26PM
make a common memory in firmware 3.0.4.